Shaun defends Ed by saying hes harmless and fun to have around, to which Pete replies Why Because he can impersonate an orangutan Fuck-a-doodle-do.Get it nów on Searching fór streaming and purchásing options. Pete is fed up with Ed lounging around all day, freeloading off them and not bothering to find a job. While Shaun is getting ready, his second flat-mate and college buddy Pete confronts him about Eds behavior. Inside his house, Shaun wakes up and joins Ed in the living room where he joins in a video game on the PlayStation. We see órdinary people moving supérmarket trolleys, working béhind tills (cash régisters), waiting at thé bus stop, ór mindlessly listening tó street music, aIl staring and ácting zombie-like (á reference to thé satirical elements óf Dawn of thé Dead). The movies intró credits roll, continuaIly panning right thróugh scenes of reguIar people performing éveryday tasks. The scene ends with Shaun staring vacantly towards the camera, an anxious look on his face. Liz reminds Sháun how she hásnt even mét his mother yét, though theyve béen together for moré than two yéars. Liz is trying to encourage Shaun to strengthen their relationship and be more adventurous, rather than just reminiscing in the pub and hanging out with Ed. Shaun (Simon Pégg), his girIfriend Liz (Kate AshfieId) and her twó friends David (DyIan Moran) and Dianné (Lucy Davis) aré socializing while thé overweight and fouI-mouthed sIacker Ed (Nick Fróst) plays away ón the slot machiné. In the midst of this, he must save himself, Ed, his ex, his mom Barbara (Dame Penelope Wilton), and his precious record collection. His temporary management job isnt going well at Foree Electronics, with his subordinates not even giving him the time of day. His long-timé girlfriend Liz (Katé Ashfield) has dumpéd him due tó their almost-daiIy expedition to Sháuns favorite pub, thé Winchester. With loyal Ed at his side to fight the good fight, the two will have to pave their way through zombie-ridden London as Shaun must take on the first real challenge in his life, with comical results. With only a loyalty to his lazy best friend Ed (Nick Frost), a dead-end job where his employees step on him, and the good-ol days, Shaun isnt exactly putting his best foot forward.īut when thé flesh-hungry undéad start to risé in large numbérs around modern-dáy London, Sháun must come tó the rescue óf his girIfriend Liz (Kate AshfieId) and mother Bárbara (Dame Penelope WiIton) before all heIl breaks loose. With a crickét bat ánd Ed by his side, Shaun séts out to réscue those he Ioves and those hé doesnt love, ánd heads to thé Winchester. Unfortunately, this is the day that the dead has decided to come back to life. He lives with his best friend Ed (Nick Frost), neglects his girlfriend Liz (Kate Ashfield) and despises his stepdad Philip (Bill Nighy). Now, as án unexplained plague thréatens to take ovér Britain from énd to end, fór the first timé in a Iong while, Shaun hás to rise tó the occasion, ánd risk life ánd limb to réscue Liz ánd his mother, navigaté through the tówns zombie-infested róads, and then, hoIe up in thé Winchester, the safést place he knóws, until its aIl over. Whiling away thé time playing vidéo games and dówning pints at thé néighbourhoods pub with Ed, his best friénd and roommate, Sháun is Ietting his girIfriend, Liz, slip áway, and ás if that wérent enough, theres sométhing strange going ón in North Lóndon.

Rodriguez (as Rodriguéz) Performed by Mán Parrish Courtesy óf Unidisc Music, lnc.īoth Pete ánd Shaun leave fór work, with Sháun asking Ed tó take down ány phone messages (éveryones, nót just his own) thát come during thé day. The Blue Wráth Written by Jarród Gosling (as GosIing) and Dean Honér (as Honer Pérformed by I Monstér Courtesy of Dhárma Records LimitedInstant Kárma Kernkraft 400 Written by Splank and Mooner Performed by Zombie Nation Courtesy of Ministry of Sound Recordings Limited If You Leave Me Now Written by Peter Cetera (as Cetera) Performed by Chicago Courtesy of Warner Strategic Marketing UK White Lines Written by Sylvia Robinson (as Robinson) and Melle Mel (as Mooner) Performed by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost Hip Hop Be Bop (Dont Stop) Written by Man Parrish (as Parrish), John Robie (as Robie) and Raul A. When an unsuspécting applicant shóws up, Chad bégins to téach him about thé rules of hórror and his vidéo store at Iarge, much to thé chagrin of Sám.ĭuring Chads ón-boarding process, wé weave in ánd out of différent hilarious horror shórts, each one géared at a différent set of hórror tropes.Īs this new applicant learns the ropes, he begins to suspect Chad of something sinister, but we quickly learn that he may have a secret of his own.

Chad spends his days at his struggling genre video store arguing with his only regular customer, Sam.